A Constitution for 2076
Visioning what the Constitution will need to look like in 2076 for us to live in a better future.
A Constitution for 2076
Hear from our June convening participants about their experience at A Constitution for 2076
December 2023
Designing a Constitution for 2076
Democracy 2076 convened organizers, state legislators, those running campaigns to amend the US Constitution, and legal scholars to envision what a Constitution for 2076 needs to include to ensure an effective, responsive, and representative democracy. The facilitation team provided participants with a global context scenario for the future and a draft revision of the Constitution as a starting point. We then provided stress tests for the scenario and Constitution (i.e. India is underwater and there are millions of climate refugees). Participants worked through the implications of the stress test and then had the opportunity to amend their Constitution. We then compared the amended Constitutions for how they are similar and different depending on the scenarios to identify what we want to include in our shared vision.
A Constitution for 2076 Facilitation Guide (Part 1)
June 2024
A Campaign for Constitutional Change
We reconvened in June to identify what needs to happen over the next five years to move towards that vision including both amendments and incremental wins, how those wins could come about, and what electoral victories would be needed to achieve them. By creating a campaign to amend the Constitution we will shift the Overton window on more incremental reforms.
A Constitution for 2076 (Part 2) Facilitation Guide
If you or someone you know would like to participate in the convenings or have ideas for us to consider, please contact us.
Begin executing the campaign plan. Democracy 2076 will anchor this coalition to provide a way for people to understand their efforts in the context of others and learn from one another’s successes and failures.